Advanced approaches to VIP program development & VIP brand creation - Free Sample Workshop

1 hour sample workshop of the full course. This workshop will touch upon:

A high-level overview of what VIP programs and VIP segments are

Explain that VIP is not a one-size-fits-all model and break down the types of VIP programs

Understanding how to create a VIP program and its benefits for growing a brand

Demonstrating how VIP programs help to solidify relationships with affiliates

Explaining what early detection is and how this plays a crucial part in developing players into VIPs

Discussing how VIP as a concept has changed

Providing a breakdown of the differences between the old and current VIP program models and highlighting the direction VIP is headed

Brief overview Explaining how to create a modern program

Turnkey solutions and managed services

Pros and cons of using VIP-managed services versus taking VIP in-house

Brief insights into other areas that will be discussed in the 2-day workshop

Q&A to conclude the 1-hour workshop

Who is this course for? Igaming Operators, Land based Operators, Start ups. regulators

Role function ideas: Marketing Managers, VIP programme Managers, Loyalty scheme managers, Customer experience managers, General managers, Finance managers, customer acquisition and retention specialists CEO, COO,CMO

September 19, 2024
4:00 pm

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